Sunday, September 16, 2012

In his "last" Brotherhood 2.0 video, John Green said once, "life is about doing things that don't suck with people that don't suck."
So, it got me to thinking: Which is better: Doing things that suck with people who don't suck, or doing things that don't suck with people that suck?
I was thinking, if you're going to play Laser Tag with a bunch of people who don't really like you, you're not going to have a good time.
But, if you have to go clean up a stable with a bunch of your best friends, you guys might make jokes to pass the time, and things will be way more pleasant.
I think it also has to do with the expectations. Things that go better than expected are said to go "well", while things that go worse go "bad". Playing Laser Tag would be under the "good expectations" category. Cleaning a stable would probably not. The people who you're with is a part of the experience as well.

Tuesday, November 8, 2011


I am now a freshman college. Livin' in a dorm. Procrastinating like hell.
Somethings never change. I've got a midterm for chemistry tomorrow...not fun. I should be studying, but I can't have mental breakdowns anymore since I've got a roommate.
Maybe I should tell you about my fandoms I've had recently.
I don't think I've had a specific one since iCarly (Yup. I be a Seddie shipper. Deal.), and I haven't gotten to see an episode of it since iQ.
Oh, VLOGBROTHERS. Freaking Nerdfighteria. I finally got into it. Yep. It's been an amazing ride so far, and I've only been here for about a year.
Other fandoms...uhm I don't have any right now. Or I would be super-gushing about it right now.
I do feel kinda empty because I don't have something specific to think about all the time. I'm sure I'll find one, though.
Puttin' down some stuff I thought of on my walk tonight:

Can't I just be alone?
Can't I just be another anonymous face under the stars, standing under the silver-tipped trees?
Genderless, colorless, the broadest human being you can find.
It is in my concealment that I can really be myself. I don't have to worry.
I could flip down my hood and show you the color of my hair, the gender in my face.
I could even take my hair out of the hood, so you can see its length.
I could unzip my sweatshirt, revealing the color and face on my shirt.
I could even take it off, so you could see the shape of my arms.
I could do all of these things, in an effort for you to know me.
But you couldn't know me as I want you to know me.
Only I can know me, and I prefer to do it alone.

Tuesday, May 31, 2011

Time for a New Post

Yes it is.
Well, I'm a checked-out (but not quite graduated yet) senior. I started this blog way back when I was a sophomore, right when I got a new computer and was going to abuse the hell out of the my-parents-don't-know-everything-I-do-anymore privilege. Felt so good.
I've changed a lot, but at the same time I haven't.
I felt very sure of myself back then, wait no. But I feel less like I know what is going on...
Oh yeah, and I'm a legal adult now...I guess I'm going to have to figure out the hard way to live in the real world, cause I'm sure as hell not good at it now.
I have a theory, came to me in a dream...
Mediums, they do not "converse with the spirit world", that was just a lie to make things supernatural enough for those a long, long time ago to believe. Mediums can see the Universe, and how it works, like looking inside a clock. They can see how every decision changes the gears, and what the outcome of that change will be, i.e. how the hands spin. They can see how the Universe will be affected, and how their local lives will be affected. I think I'm making it too complicated for myself to explain, but it makes sense in my head.
See, being out of school lets me think.

Tuesday, September 7, 2010


"It's that little flame, that lights a fire under your ass..."
I never really realized exactly how true that is until a couple days ago.
I realized that I really need a purpose for everything. Even this blog.
This blog doesn't have a purpose--wait no. I shouldn't say that.
Its purpose is for me to be able to say what's on my mind that I wouldn't be able to say in front of people I know.
EVERYTHING has a purpose behind it. "No reason" isn't a good answer. I've realized that over the past few days.
Why am I doing my homework? Because I want good grades. Why am I reading Looking for Alaska? Because I heard about it from the Vlogbrothers. Why do I want to be a nerdfighter so bad? Because they are just made of awesome. But I can't decide what kind of nerdfighter to be. I can't figure out what my nerdiness is.
Which brings me to my second point.
I don't know what I want to do with. I've been in autopilot of "Plan to be an engineer" for so long I don't even know what I originally wanted to do.
Also maybe engineering isn't what I REALLY want to do. Oh dear.
I wish I could ask my sixth-grade self what I want to be. Cause that's when I probably knew better than I do now.
I'm a senior in high school! I need to figure these things out graaagh.
But, this year is already shaping up to be better than last year.
So, I hope this will turn out well.

Sunday, April 4, 2010

My brain doesn't seem to like me very much.

Weird problem I have: I can't write large assignments without having a meltdown first.
I'm a horrible procrastinator. Every time I get an assignment that I really don't know what I'm doing on, I will procrastinate and procrastinate until it's about 11 PM before it's due. But it's not because I just don't want to do work.
It's to stave off the meltdown.
It's painful to start writing things that I don't want to write. It's like ripping words out of my brain through my throat as they desperately cling to my synapses. It hurts. The larger the project, the worse it is. So my writing process is a little different from most people.
1) Procrastinate. On the internet.
2) With a huge effort, stop with the internet.
3) Stare at the screen, realize how little I've done and how little time I have to do it in.
4) Feel like an utter failure with no self-control.
5) Procrastinate by writing something else not on the internet.
6) Stop that, with some effort.
7) Try to write something, but fail after one sentence.
8) Go over how I suck at life in my mind.
9) Frustration. Feel like smashing something.
10) Either cry or come very close.
11) After this freakout is done, type something.
12) Keep writing, because somehow that triggered freedom from writer's block.
13) Feel bad about its quality, but hey, at least it's done.
Yep, angsty angsty BAAAAH but I'm a teenager who's a few years behind. While some people grow out of angst at 16, that's when I fully grew into it.
I fail, I know.
But I think I've gotta go and have a meltdown or this will NEVER get done.

Sunday, January 31, 2010


Now I'm all alone....
see when I think that lyric I don't think "Not Alone" but "Missing You".
I feel like a third wheel everywhere I go.
One friend is surrounded by people.
Another one is always attatched to her boyfriend.
Others are always talking to someone else if they're available.
Three that I grew close-ish to went homeschooled.
Two, oh my god, either they are secretly in love or they're the best of friends in the entire world. It's so fun to watch them interact, but if I want to talk to them it's not really practical. Usually I just watch and think how cute it is inside my head.
Anyway. Enough about me shipping my friends.
When I had a misunderstanding with my friend tonight about hanging out, it made me want to cry. That's how pathetic I am.
I just can't handle growing away from every single friend I have at once, especially now. I'm sixteen. I have two years until I'm an actual, real, fully-functioning adult.
I sometimes like being alone. But I can't handle FEELING alone.
But what's worse is feeling like I'm surrounded by a crowd of people but separated by a thin sheet of glass. Because I need to act socially but it feels like I'm trying too hard.
Lately I haven't had anyone I can even complain about this to. It's getting worse.
It's in the awkward inbetween stage of not social, but not totally alone. Leaning toward alone.
I'd rather one or the other.

Thursday, January 7, 2010


Holy Frickin' Crap Junior Year Is HARD!!!!!!!
I mean, it was hard before right now since this is January, but I missed two days. and now I have:
an AP physics homework to do
two precalc assignments to do (Crap.)
an AP english journal...thingy... (CRAP!!)
an AP history essay (oh dear god.)
all by tomorrow! and it's 6:30 PM!
BTW finals are next week.
disregard the fact that I am blogging when I could be working, this is why I can't have computer assignments. No self-control when I have internet at my fingertips.
This seems hopeless. sometimes I regret taking all the AP crap i'm taking.
but I feel pressured by college! like they won't accept me if I don't have all this stuff on my application. also, once I'm into something, I can't not finish it, even if it's 2:30 in the morning and my mom has been yelling at me to go to bed. If I do, I'll cry. Really I will. Also feel like a fail.

I have problems.

Voldemort: I like folding all of my ties
Quirrell: and you have no friends, HEY that's a surprise!
weird problem I have: I don't like how Quirrell doesn't shout the HEY in the downloadable soundtrack.
another favorite lyric from AVPM. It makes me feel better and worse at the same time, the fact that I am on the internet makes me feel like I have no self control (well i guess I don't) and wastes time, but it's so frickin hilarious I can forgive myself temporarily. I will TOTALLY regret it later.
also, one of my very rare moments of...fangirlism.
The guy who plays Quirrell is cute and his voice is amazing.
There, I said it.
It was Johnny Tartaglia, now Brian Rosenthal. It must be the musical guys. I didn't used to think that I would say anything like the above, but eh. I suppose I've changed since junior high.

Ron: You guys! Barricade the door! Cho! see if Neville's dead! You guys! Go get snacks! Ah shit we've barricaded the door...
Still, AVPM.
Maybe I'll stop now, I've spent a half an hour on this post and watching AVPM.
Hey, Voldemort is going down is on. Maybe it'll motivate me. :-D